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Diabetes and oral health: A comprehensive guide

Post Date - Sep 28, 2023

Did you know that your blood glucose levels impact your entire body, even down to the health of your teeth and gums? Elevated blood glucose levels mean there’s more glucose in saliva, which increases your risk of developing gum disease and experiencing tooth decay. Here’s a rundown of how to manage your blood glucose levels and some need-to-know dental hygiene tips.

Controlling blood glucose levels

To better control your blood glucose levels, ensure that you eat a well-balanced, healthy diet full of all the nutrients your body needs. If your body is being overloaded with certain foods, your blood glucose levels won’t be stable, affecting your overall health (physically and mentally)! Eating a nutrient-dense diet alongside living an active lifestyle is key. Healthcare professionals recommend that U.S. adults participate in 30 minutes of exercise daily to support their well-being.

If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, having an active conversation with your healthcare provider is important. Speak with them about the ABCs of diabetes: A — A1C level or blood sugar level for the past 2 to 3 months, B — blood pressure, and C — cholesterol.

Dental hygiene

Having a comprehensive dental hygiene routine that you complete each morning and night is imperative to oral health! Dentists recommend two minutes of brushing at a 45-degree angle, making sure to brush your gums and tongue lightly. Using an electric toothbrush with soft bristles (that you replace every three months) and toothpaste with fluoride will give you the best results. Dentists and oral hygienists recommend flossing each time you brush but always do it before heading to bed since your mouth dries out at night and plaque hardens. Finish with an alcohol-free mouthwash; many professionals recommend Therafresh.

Regularly visiting the dentist is another key part of successful oral hygiene. Ascend’s comprehensive health insurance plans provide our drivers with dental insurance so they can care for their teeth and gums. It’s recommended that a routine cleaning take place every six months with you monitoring for any signs of concern like swollen and bleeding gums in the meantime. If you have diabetes, you should communicate that information with your dentist so they can do their best to assist you.

Having full support on your healthcare journey is just one of the pros of partnering with Ascend. For more information on our unique driver advantages, connect with us today!


1 Mayo Clinic website: Diabetes and dental care: Guide to a healthy mouth (accessed July 2021): mayolinic.org.

2 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases website: 4 Steps to Manage Your Diabetes for Life (accessed July 2021): niddk.nih.gov